Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Right Approach (TRA)

Slide 32
After 2 months
Weight: 56.7 kg (- 7kg)
BMI: 22.7( - 3)
Body Fat: 28.5% ( - 5.6%)
Body Age: 33 ( -8 years)
Upper Arm: 24.5cm ( -3 cm)
Waist: 76cm( -8 cm)
Abdomen: 86cm ( -10 cm)
Hip: 90cm( - 7.5 cm)
Thigh: 42.5cm( -2.6 cm)
Calf: 34cm( -0.9 cm)

Slide 1
After 2 months
Body Weight : 54.2kg (-2.5kg)
Body Fat : 21.8% (-3%)
Waist : 72cm (-3.5cm)
Abdomen : 80cm (-4cm)
Body Age : 21 (-3 years)

Lots of slimming products out there are only reduce water where it is also reduce weight. Unfortunately, reduce water is not the right way as it will bounce back to fat on certain time. Besides that, outside market products required us to skip meals, to take less food, etc in order to reduce weight.

TRA™ - A proven combination of world class supplements, exercise, and nutrition that provides you with tools to meet your weight management goals in the most comprehensive, effective and safest approach.

Fighting FAT is the key to a healthy, long-term weight management program success formula!

TRA™ provides a well-balanced, multifaceted approach to weight management with the following mechanisms:
  • TRA™ Control Carbohydrate Cravings
  • TRA™ Control Stress
  • TRA™ Control Fats Storage
  • TRA™ Increase Metabolism

The Right Nutrition

Always follow the 3-3-3-3 Diet Principle: take 3 servings of Carbohydrates, 3 servings of Protein, 3 servings of Vegetables and 3 servings of Fruits.

  • One of the rules in successful weight management is DO NOT GO HUNGRY! It is recommended to eat more of high fiber and low fat food. Proper diet can promote fat burning and control fat storage in your body.
  • Consume plenty of macronutrients (proteins; carbohydrate; soluble fiber and fat) and micronutrient (antioxidants, vitamins and minerals) to achieve your weight management goal.
  • Fresh and color rich foods are high quality foods, processed and whitened foods are low quality foods. High quality foods are natural and healthier, assisting in your weight loss efforts.

Ql. Will TRA products have any side effects or affect health?

TRA is a dietary supplement and not a drug, the main ingredients come from green tea, and other plant extracts. Not only there is no side effect, at the same time, TRA can create the right thinking towards the healthy way of losing weight, resulting in a healthier body.

Q2. What is the difference between TRA package and other well-known direct selling weight management products? (Comparison Table)

TRA - products are simple, easy to use

Well-known direct selling weight management products - complicated products, difficult to use

  1. Reduce body fat, enhance body
  2. Do not feel hungry easily
  3. Feel happy, without any stress
  4. Effective control of weight
  5. Let you enjoy healthy slim body for a lifetime.
  6. As long as you choose your food wisely and follow the 3333 principle, you are still able to enjoy nice food and not put on weight

  1. Weight reduction is limited, body fat might not reduce
  2. Can only take meal replacement, will get hungry easily
  3. Feel down and stressful
  4. Lose weight in a short period, but easily gain weight back
  5. Unhealthy weight loss, increase the risk
    of kidney failure
  6. Cannot enjoy nice food, fully
    dependent on meal replacement

TRA can reduce body weight and body fat, and at the same time, TRA gives you a perfect body shape. It will not cause hunger pangs and stress, stagnant period is shorter, and most importantly will not regain weight easily. To maintain weight, just use TRA Complex, Tegreen 97, Diene-O-Lean, and you will be able to keep your perfect body shape easily.